Building Community

Timebanking is all about building community!

Check out how we’ve built ours over the years: through exchanges, get-togethers, and team meetings.

Timebank Exchanges

Timebank exchanges happen everyday, from offering someone a ride to their doctor appointment, to looking over someone's resume. Here's a selection of some of our favorite exchanges! We learn to make salsa, pick apples at a timebank member's farm, meditate, sort pecans, create art, and learn bike maintenance.


To build our community, we host a timebank get-together once a month. Often it is a potluck or picnic in the park, but we've also come together to play games and improv, to hear and share stories, and to celebrate life's events!

Team Meetings

Every other month, DACU holds a general team meeting to share about our work with anyone interested. We use these opportunities to gather input and converse as a community.

Check out more ways that we build community!