Why Timebanking?

It is so exciting that timebanking has come to our community! Why, you might ask?

First, a quick overview.

Timebanking originated in the United States in the late 1980’s. Today there are timebanks all over the world, with over 300 timebanks in the United States alone.

Given timebanking is here to stay, it’s about time our community joins the timebanking movement!

But it gets even more exciting when one learns about research findings on timebanking. Research indicates timebanking has numerous benefits for individuals and communities. These benefits include the following:

  • Feeling less financially distressed
  • Decreased loneliness and isolation
  • Feeling valued
  • Making new friends, particularly with people who have different backgrounds from yours
  • Feeling safer in one’s community
  • Feeling confident you can call on others for help
  • Increased participation in other community activities
  • Learning new skills
  • Increased self-esteem and confidence
  • Feeling that you belong to something meaningful

That’s a pretty impressive list, don’t you think? Now, imagine the possibilities for our community!