New Vision and Mission Statements

In late April, DACU held two visioning sessions, one focused broadly on DACU’s work and one specifically on the timebank. Both sessions gave us highly valuable insight on our role in our community and helped us begin to shape a shared vision of our future. Notes from the DACU visioning session are available below.

These sessions helped us to draft a new version of our DACU vision and mission statements. These statements are works in progress, and we would love your feedback! Take a moment to read them, and Si necesita contactarnos to share your thoughts.

Draft Vision Statement

Our vision is a vibrant Doña Ana County in which all residents share their gifts and attain their own visions of health.

Draft Mission Statement:

Doña Ana Communities United is an affirming nonpartisan community-based organization. DACU is rooted in the gifts and needs of those whose voices often go unheard. We carry out creative community-driven projects to eliminate structural barriers that often prevent residents from reaching their full potential. In partnership with decision makers, DACU aims to forge equitable public policies and participation processes.

Brainstorming desired qualities for the Outreach Coordinator position.
Brainstorming questions to ask during the interview process with prospective Outreach Coordinators.
Responses to the question, “What do you envision DACU feeling like in two years?”